Catherine George


Annotated Setlist of the Mikaela Cole Jazz Quintet

Clarkesworld, December 2019
Escape Pod, May 2021

A Test of Trouble

Luna Station Quarterly, March 2021
  • The first line gives some sense of what this one is about: “When the baby is nine weeks old, Bree begins to suspect she is a time machine”
  • content warning for the depiction of domestic violence

Bedtime Snacks for Baby

Flash Fiction Online, May 2019

Calling on Behalf of the Dark Lord

Translunar Travelers Lounge, February 2020
  • So you’ve taken a job at a call centre shilling for the Dark Lord …


Flash Fiction Online, November 2019
  • What if your belongings had to choose between you and your ex?


Augur Magazine, Issue 2.3, December 2019
The Overcast, September 2021
  • Longlisted for the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic

The Bear Wife

Metaphorosis Magazine, February 2019
Metaphorosis: Best of 2019
  • A contemporary take on the classic animal bride story